E-Newsletter May 15, 2012


Dear Friends of Sunfield,

With sun and spring and new life upon us, what a great time to come out and enjoy some time on the farm. JOIN US FOR TEA at SUNFIELD, Wednesday, May 23rd, 11 a.m. or Wednesday, June 6th, 11 a.m. Meet our three new goats, born last Wednesday and already frolicking in the grass, enjoy some refreshments, tour the gardens and green houses, get caught up on what’s new at Sunfield, and soak up this beautiful piece of land. RSVP please.

CAMPS: Sunfield Summer Day Camps begin July 2nd. We have put together an exciting schedule with highly creative camp leaders from here in East Jefferson County. If you know of parents looking for activities, or grandchildren visiting this summer, we have offerings that will engage and challenge them. Our website has the schedule and registration form. http://www.sunfieldfarm.org/.

We invite all ages to help weed.
MATCHING GRANT: An anonymous donor has gifted us with $5,000 towards our next building—a multi-use building with two classrooms that can be turned into a community gathering space, with kitchen and bathroom facilities. This grant cannot be utilized until matched by other donations totaling $5,000. We are awaiting design drawings that we can show potential donors. After that, architectural drawings to apply for permits.

FARM NEWS: The 2012 Sunfield CSA is 30 subscribers strong and growing. To find out about it and  sign up, go to our website. After a very successful run of spinach that we sold thru the PT Co-op, Chimacum Corner Farm Stand and Quilcene General Store, our hoop house is now full of tomato starts of many different varieties. Thanks to Dick Schneider for his assistance on this project. The AmeriCorps team of 9 gave us a jump start on our perimeter and wetlands fencing project. If anyone wants to help, contact Farmers Neil and Verity. Help is always welcome and needed on the farm.

SCHOOL: Our 5th & 6th graders just returned from an amazing weekend in Stanwood at the Waldorf Olympiad. Founders Helen Curry and Isolde Perry represented Sunfield at the World Conference for Waldorf Teachers in Switzerland. They will be sharing about their experiences on Friday, May 25th at 4:30 p.m.  If you would like to join us, please RSVP.
1st grader awash in flowers

THANKS:  to four investors who have loaned us $40,000 at low interest rates.  We still need $5,500 to finish repaying one community loan that helped purchase the farm and $40,000 to restructure a seond one.  And,
thanks to all of our donors and supporters.  Please come out to experience and enjoy what you help make possible.

Jake Meyer