E-Newsletter - March 1, 2011

E-Newsletter—March 1, 2011

“Follow your desire as long as you live; do not lessen the time of following desire, for the wasting of time is an abomination to the spirit.”—Ptahhotpe, 2350 B.C.

AS I WRITE, we are hosting a 4th/5th grade class from Quilcene, for a farm day visit. This is the second of three visits by this class, as they experience the farm at different seasons of the year. Today these excited youngsters get to pull carrots and feed them to our animals, plant peas, make compost, do animal chores (including milking goats), have lunch around a camp fire with Sunfield’s 4th/5th graders and walk onto another part of our 81 acres.

Next week a class of 4th graders from Chimacum will have their second visit of the year. This currently unfunded program is made possible by our dedicated teachers, farmer/educators, and volunteers. We continue to seek funding to expand this program.

PLEASE JOIN US at one of our next four Tuesday luncheons: March 15, April 19, May 17, or June 14th, from 11-12 here on the farm. Bring a guest with you if you like and RSVP to 385-3658 or jmeyer@sunfieldfarm.org. This is our opportunity to show you the farm and school, answer questions, and get to know you better. It is not an “ask” event.

AWAKENING FROM ITS WINTER SLUMBER, next week the farm welcomes ten young adults, members of AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps). They will be here for 8 weeks, working 40 hrs/week, participating in a variety of farm projects and activities. While helping farmers Neil and Verity, Corps members have a wonderful opportunity to experience farm work and life.

HOLD THE DATE: April 28th, 8-9 a.m. at the Northwest Maritime Center for FIELDS OF PLENTY, Sunfield’s annual fundraiser and community report. Your invitation will be arriving shortly.

JOIN OUR CSA and receive Sunfield veggies and fruit throughout the growing season.
Half Plowshare—$395
Full Plowshare—$605
Working Share—$295 for those who like to get their hands dirty!
Sponsor Share—$600 includes a weekly Half Plowshare, invitations to our donor functions, and an opportunity to directly support our produce donations to the local food banks and our free local educational programs.

Jake Meyer
Organizational Director