E-Newsletter October 25, 2012


October 24, 2012

Dear Friends of Sunfield,
Please join us at dusk on November 3rd for our annual Lantern Festival, whose theme is the natural world and the Earth’s soul. It’s an opportunity for us all to attune our hearts to the nature beings that are part of the landscape of Sunfield. The darkness of the evening, in contrast to the glow of many lanterns (that the children have made), establishes a bridge towards the wellspring of the natural world.  You are invited to join us and offer your recognition and gratitude to the wondrous workings of the natural world and usher in warmth and love for the earth that we all share. 

A visiting student creating with compost
VISITING CHILDREN have been a common occurrence this past month. On the 4th & 5th of October sixty Waldorf 3rd graders from schools in our region came here for hands-on study of agriculture. Forty more children from schools on Bainbridge and Whidbey are coming this week for the same reason. We’ve also had public school classes from Quilcene (2nd/3rd graders) and Chimacum (4th graders) come this month for farm day visits. The children help make compost, harvest corn, carrots, beans and potatoes, tend  the livestock, and milk goats. Other activities include threshing and grinding wheat,  plowing, and watching our sheep get sheared. These students have a great time while learning experientially how their food is grown and raised. More visits from the public schools will  take place in November and next spring.

Middle Grades Girls Choir
The Harvest Moon Dinner, on October 6th, was a beautiful event on a gorgeous afternoon, bringing over 50 people to celebrate Sunfield right here on the farm.
Many were exposed for the first time to the beautiful voice and words of local writer/performer Simon Lynge and heard two songs from our Sunfield student choirs. The excellent food complemented  the atmosphere under the big tent on a   beautiful Indian summer afternoon--celebration mixed with huge doses of gratitude. Thanks to all who attended. We’ll let you know soon the date for next year’s dinner.

Lots of interesting auction items
Thanks to our event sponsors:

Gold: Carl’s Building Supply
Silver: Mat Mats Chiropractic and Sound Maintenance
Bronze: Atlas Technologies, Allegra Bothell, Windermere Port Townsend, Chimacum Corner Farm Stand, Computer.Fix, The Dale Family, Move Play Thrive, Connie Segal Natural Skin Care, The Stirling Family, Sunshine Propane, All Points Pilates and to all our silent auction donors.

FOR MANY FAMILIES, Sunfield begins with our BUTTERCUP program for children between 1 ½ - 3 yrs old and their parent(s).  They come once a week for two hours to get a taste of the farm, socialize with other children, and engage in creative activities in the classroom. Our current session is full with 9 children and families.

Children gathering eggs
Or with KINDERGARTEN, in our two mixed age classrooms for children between ages 3 – 6.  4 hours/day, anywhere from 2-5 days per week. The children spend half of each day out on the land, exploring forests, wetlands, meadows, visiting the livestock, holding bunnies, and sometimes helping with easy farm chores. We have two classrooms with two teachers and assistants. Kindergarten currently has 31 children, with room for a few more.

NEW FIRST GRADE: We have 9 first graders, lucky enough to have Isolde Perry, one of Sunfield’s founders, as their teacher.  We have 64 total children in our grades classes, giving us a grand total of 104 children currently enrolled. The children are excitedly preparing for the above mentioned Lantern Festival. 

WE ARE NOW CERTIFIED ORGANIC, and in two years will achieve BIODYNAMIC certification as well. Our CSA season is winding down, with the last distribution set for Thanksgiving week.  Fencing of our wetlands and perimeter continues, led by Farmer Neil with help from interns Eli and Courtney and Sunfield friend Al Latham. Farmers Verity and Neil are expecting their first child in 4 weeks!
WE APPRECIATE you, our generous donors and supporters, who help make possible what Sunfield is and does. If interested in supporting and/or participating in any of the above, please contact us. We cannot achieve what we do without your help.  Call us to set up a visit that fits into your schedule.
With warm wishes for this fall season,
Jake Meyer
Organizational Director