SUNFIELD FARM & WALDORF SCHOOL E-newsletter—July 20,2010


With so much going on here at the farm, we’d like to let you in on the latest. Many of you are donors and are making what we do possible. Thank you for your generous support of this biodynamic farm/Waldorf School/valuable resource to our community.

~ First, we introduced a brand new video to you during April’s Fields of Plenty Breakfast. This video has been tweaked and is now something we are making available to the public through our website and on You Tube. It’s 10 minutes long and we’re very proud of it. Sunfield Board member Pam Roberts produced it for us and you can find it at: or at Let us know what you think of it. We see it as a rich tool for both expansion of both student enrollment and our donor base.

~ We have begun hosting small groups of donors at our Special Luncheons here at the farm. I’ve tried to invite many of you by phone or email (often unsuccessful) and will keep trying. Our next luncheon will be on Thursday, July 22nd, from 11-12 a.m. We’ll show you around the farm and school, talk to you about what’s going on, answer questions, and, best of all, get to know you better. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US ON THE 22ND, RSVP TO ME, at 385.3658, or Joining me will be Pam Roberts and School Director Gail Endres. Meet our new calves and goats and their mommas; our sheep, rabbits, and chickens, and see the produce growing on the farm.

~ We just completed a full year of our Visiting School program. Led by volunteer Sylvia Platt, we hosted 350 children and parents from the Chimacum and Quilcene schools. They had wonderful farm visits, as you’ll see on our video. We’re exploring ways to derive some income from these visits so this program can continue.

~ Thanks to a successful grant submitted by Jude Rubin, we are now hosting 10 young people who are members of AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps). They’re here for 3 weeks, doing a variety of projects on the farm under the supervision of farmers Neil & Verity Howe.

~ Coming to an end is the 6 months term of our AmeriCorps volunteer Jeanmarie Morelli. She has been involved with coordinating volunteers for work on the farm and with assisting Sylvia in the Community Education program. Jeanmarie will be leading a Nature Walk here on the 17th from 10-11:30 a.m. It’s free and an opportunity for those new to Sunfield to come out to the land and feel and see the beauty that is here. Jeanmarie is an ethnobotanist who can answer lots of your questions, like, “what’s this plant?” Please RSVP.

Join us at the luncheon. I look forward to meeting you.

Jake Meyer, Organizational Director