e-newsletter—December 29th 2010

"The sunlight is fast dwindling, my little lamp needs kindling,
Its light shines far o’er darkest night, dear lantern guard me with your light…”

LOOKING TO MAKE AN END OF YEAR TAX-DEDUCTION? We have some huge needs looming, including submitting a Binding Site Plan (BSP) Application to the County. Once accepted, the BSP will vest our building plans into the future with no deadlines. As we raise the money, we can build another classroom, a bath house, a kitchen/dining room and the other spaces we need. The BSP requires a wetlands delineation, a geo technical study, and a surveyed site plan. The application submission itself will cost ~$7,500. We estimate total cost at around $15,000 for the entire submission, which is due in April. WE NEED YOUR HELP.

JOIN US for our next Donor Appreciation Luncheon on Thursday, January 13th, from 11-12 here on the farm. As 2011 kicks off, we want you to know how much your generous support means to our success. Join us for good food, including Sunfield produce and eggs, good conversation, a tour and a chance to get updated on what’s happening here on the farm and in the school. Bring a friend if you like and please RSVP at 385-3658 or

WE WON! Sunfield Waldorf School has been chosen to be the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the Orcas Anthroposophical Trust! Our school was one of nine other regional Waldorf Schools who applied for the grant for specific projects. With the grant we will create an outdoor shelter to provide space for assemblies, plays and festivals and serve as an outdoor classroom. Our proposal was to "create a place of beauty manifesting the heart space of the community".

Our school has had a great first four months and our total enrollment is just over 100 children. Our Buttercup program, for parents and toddlers up to 3 years old, will begin its second session on January 14th. There are still openings. Buttercup is held Fridays, from 9-11 am and 1:30-3:30 pm.

Sunfield’s CSA is accepting subscribers for the 2011 season. Farmers Neil & Verity Howe are on a rejuvenating vacation and are excited about plans to expand both the CSA and the amount of produce we can supply to our local food banks. Last year’s subscribers were delighted with the produce they received - reserve your CSA share soon.

Wishing you all a tremendous 2011 and thanking you for helping us sustain this Land for Learning and our educational farm and school. Please come see us and partake of the bounty.

Jake Meyer
Organizational Director