SUNFIELD FARM & SCHOOL E-newsletter—November 9, 2010

“The sunlight is fast dwindling, my little lamp needs kindling,
Its light shines far o’er darkest night, dear lantern guard me with your light…”

Donor Appreciation Luncheon

This THANKSGIVING season we invite you to join us for our monthly Donor Appreciation Luncheon on Thursday, November 18, from 11-12 here on the farm. Our gratitude for your generosity extends throughout the year and is especially felt in this season. Join us for good food, including Sunfield produce and eggs, good conversation, a tour and a chance to get updated on what’s happening here on the farm and in the school. Bring a friend if you like and please RSVP at 385-3658 or

Third Grade Plough Day Jamboree was a huge success and a dream come true for those who founded Sunfield. For two days and one night 81 Waldorf students (with 27 adult chaperones) from schools in Seattle, Olympia and Tacoma had their hands in the soil, on the animals and in the forest.
When asked what 3 words she would use to describe the event, the Olympia Waldorf teacher said, “educational, inspiring, fun.” Her experience of the event was “totally fun!” and her students were all excited and eager to experience all that we had to offer.

Public School Visits - We hosted two classes from Quilcene Public Schools, 2nd/3rd graders and 4th/5th graders. Some of them were returning to harvest vegetables they planted last spring. All the children got the hands-on farm experience that brings these classes back to the farm each year.

Community Supported Agriculture - Our CSA is winding down with the last shares going out this month to 27 families. Food has also gone to our local food banks and to our Family Farm Club members who have provided voluntary work every Friday. It has been an abundant year on the farm and we expect even greater abundance next season.

We all have a lot to be grateful for. I hope to see you on the 18th!

Jake Meyer
Organizational Director