E-Newsletter - May 29, 2011


"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”


Our first share distribution occurred May 25, and subscribers will continue getting our organic and biodynamic veggies and fruit until late November. Shares can be picked up each Wednesday here on the farm, or in Port Townsend and Port Ludlow.

Your options: Half Plowshare---$395 Full Plowshare—$605

Working Share—$295 Sponsor Share—$600

In the first few weeks expect to see in your shares - arugula, chives, kale, leaf lettuce, leeks, mustard greens, pea shoots, radish, and other spring treats! We also have more farm fresh eggs this year.

To our next Donor Appreciation/Welcome to Sunfield Luncheon, from 11-12. We have 5 spaces available. Bring a guest if you like. Tour the farm, ask questions, and let us get to know you better. It is not an “ask” event.

IF NOT JUNE, then what about Tea & Cookies at Sunfield, July 20, 10:30 am

To RSVP or for more information, call us at 385.3658 or contact me @ jmeyer@sunfieldfarm.org.


Things have been growing well here on the farm, despite the fairly horrendous spring weather! We now have most of the spring and summer crops in the ground or the greenhouse. We planted half a field of potatoes with a visiting school and sowed the first corn with Sunfield students last week.

We have also had a spring full of babies and excitement! Our dairy sheep Milly and Molly gave birth in March--1 boy and 2 girls, exactly what we wanted! Then our big fluffy Cotswold sheep Snowflake gave birth on Good Friday to a little lamb who wasn’t breathing at first, luckily Farmer Neil was on hand to help her take her first breath and stay with us! Bethea produced a very big healthy girl the next morning. Two weeks ago Nightie gave birth to twin girls – Comet, and little weakling, Luna, who had to be taken to the farmhouse and loved ferociously to health! She is now a very domesticated bottle fed lamb that follows us around like a puppy.

Jake Meyer
Organizational Director