E-Newsletter - June 29, 2011

E-newsletter—June 29th 2011

Dear Friends,
YOU’RE INVITED—“Tea & Cookies at Sunfield,” July 20th, 10:30 a.m. See what’s new on the farm, hear about our school, meet some new people, hang out with the lambs, goats, and chickens, share your ideas. RSVP: 385.3658 or jmeyer@sunfieldfarm.org.

MILESTONE ACHIEVEMENT: Last week we submitted our application to Jefferson County for a Binding Site Plan, which will vest our building plans for the farm and school into the future with no time limits. We will build as we raise the money to do so. This was a necessary step because the 5 year Conditional Use Permit we have been operating under ended on Sunday. Unfortunately, we incurred $14,000 in expenses in the process of applying, including $7,500 to the County just to submit our application. If you can help offset that expense, we would welcome and appreciate it greatly.

The Binding Site Plan allows Sunfield to continue to be a Land for Learning for many in this community and our region. I can report to you that during this completed 2010-2011 school year we had the following school and other visits and work parties:

**7 classes from Quilcene, 9 from Chimacum, 4 from Seattle, 1 from Tacoma, 1 from Olympia for a total of 22 classes with 346 children and 80 teachers and parents

**70 Pre-schoolers visiting our October Pumpkin Patch
**25 After School Nature Studies Classes led by Scott Brinton
**10 AmeriCorps members, aged 18-24, who spent 8 weeks here learning about farm work, wetland protection and forest sustainability
**25 adults and children who joined our Nature Walks here on the farm
**3 Developmentally Disabled young adults from Concerned Citizens, who, with their mentors, work on the farm, alongside our staff, volunteers and children, on a weekly basis
**6 luncheons with a total of 30 guests for donors and those interested in Sunfield
**5 Gray Wolf residents who volunteer their time on the farm occasionally

This truly is a Land for Learning and we welcome your participation and are grateful for your continuing support.

Jake Meyer
Organizational Director