E-Newsletter September 7, 2011


Dear Friends of Sunfield,

The farm is in that very abundant state, school has begun and the weather continues to be great. The annual Jefferson County Farm Tour takes place on September 18th, from 10-4 and we invite you, our supporters, to visit us for some donor only treats:

A special goat milking demonstration for you (and milking opportunity if you choose) will be held at 1:00. This will be followed by strawberries and tea in the kindergarten classroom, and a tour if you’d like. Please RSVP.
One of our U-Pick Strawberries is this Friday, the 9th, starting at 9:00 a.m. Our berries are Albion ever bearing and are not to be missed by any strawberry lovers. We expect to continue having them until the first frost in October.

We’ve purchased some new tools for use by visiting students, thanks to a grant from the PT Rotary Club. Our first visiting classes are coming later this month from Quilcene, and they’ll be involved with harvesting, compost making, and working with our animals.

The uniqueness that is Sunfield Farm & Waldorf School continues to attract families from out of our region. We have new students from northern California, Alaska, Seattle and Maryland.

Yesterday 66 students started class in grades 1-8, an 18% increase from the same time last year. Today we’re expecting 26 kindergartners to begin in multi-age pre-school program. More will be coming once our remodeling is done. And our Buttercup program for parents and their 1 ½ - 3 yr olds starts on September 30th.

If you can’t join us for the farm tour, we’re happy to have you come out to see us when you can.

Thanks for your trust and support of what we do here.

Jake Meyer
Organizational Director