E-Newsletter - July 28, 2011


Dear Friends of Sunfield,

YOU’RE INVITED: Join Jude Rubin, ecologist and Sunfield parent for a Nature Walk on August 17th, from 9:30-11:30. This is the first of a series that Jude will be leading at Sunfield and will focus on “Harvest time at Sunfield - a farm & woods tour of native and cultivated edibles.”

Many of you know Jude already. She has a prominent part in our Sunfield video that you can find on our website or U-Tube. We are fortunate to have Jude providing this for us.

We are offering this initially only to you, our donors and supporters. We ask that you RSVP no later than August 6th. At that time, based on response, we may open this up to the general public. Please call us at 385-3658 or email me at jmeyer@sunfieldfarm.org.

Thanks to the Rotary Club of Port Townsend for awarding us a $1,000 grant to purchase tools and supplies for our visiting schools program. In June’s newsletter, we broke down for you the many visits to the farm by children and youth from this community and around the Puget Sound. When those visitors come, we need tools for them to use as they work with our farmers on the farm.

We also received a $500 donation from the Master Gardener Foundation, to install a dye garden. We will use these plants to dye the wool from our sheep as our students and visiting students learn how to make use of the fleeces from our sheep.

These two grants support our mission to of “providing programs in education and sustainable land stewardship that engage the hands, awaken the mind, and nurture connections between the earth and its inhabitants.”

Jake Meyer
Organizational Director