E-Newsletter October 31, 2011


Dear Friends of Sunfield,

The frost is on the pumpkins and our students continue to spend time outdoors. Yesterday morning I happened by the 1st & 2nd graders while they were practicing their multiplication outdoors, saying their fives table while flipping bean bags from one hand to another and walking, frontwards and backwards around the circle. Talk about multi-sensory learning.

An interesting article in last week’s NY Times (and on the front page of the Sunday Seattle Times--Oct 23rd) covered a Waldorf school in Silicon Valley. While many of the parents work for tech companies like Google, they insist on a non-tech education for their children. Here’s the address to the article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/23/technology/at-waldorf-school-in-silicon-valley-technology-can-wait.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha25

Our CSA is winding down and our farmers are preparing for winter, when they get to take their well earned vacations. We’ve had pre-school classes out to the farm to visit our pumpkin patch, enjoy the animals and sing songs with our students and teachers.

We are excited about the development of a new non-profit, Ravenswold, a Camphill inspired project whose purpose is to “create a vibrant, inclusive community where people of all abilities are nurtured and encouraged to fulfill their potential in collaboration with one another.” Camphill is yet another blessing from Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf education and biodynamic farming. Ravenswold has 5 acres adjoining Sunfield’s northern boundary so it will be a natural flow for those folks to walk over to work on the farm. I’ve mentioned before that we have developmentally delayed adults volunteering on the farm with their caregivers. They join us when our own students are doing farm chores, so there is interaction and learning for everyone. If you’re interested in this project, let me know and I’ll give you the contact info.

We are transforming half of our office building into a classroom, so right now we don’t have room for any luncheons or teas. Yet, you are always welcome to come for a tour or visit. Give me a call and we’ll set it up. Until then, thanks for your support, without which we could not offer these educational and life experiences to all who partake. You are much appreciated!


Jake Meyer
Organizational Director