E-Newsletter April 3, 2013

Dear Friends of Sunfield,

May Day 2012

With spring upon us, Sunfield is bustling with school and farm energy and with events to which we invite your participation:

• On April 19th we hold our first Sun Run, a fundraiser in which students, parents, staff and friends will be running and walking as many ¼ mile laps around our school yard in one hour as they can, getting pledges from their families and friends. If you would like to walk or run with us please let the office know and we’ll give you the details (385.3658)

• April 26th, Sunfield Benefit Concert featuring Simon Lynge with Aimee Ringle, two local singer/song writers. Simon just had a successful Kick Starter campaign to fund his 2nd CD. The concert takes place in the Quimper Unitarian Sanctuary from 7-9 pm. Tickets for preferred seating are available for $20.

Welcome Farmer Nicole!

• May 4th is our annual May Day Festival which begins at noon. This is a festive occasion that will conclude at 2 pm with the drawing for a quilt made by Sunfield parents and staff. May Day starts with a potluck lunch and you are most welcome to join us.
FROM THE FARM… Meet our new farmer Nicole Witham. She replaces Neil & Verity who left to help out with Neil’s very ill father in Ohio. If you’re interested in a Sunfield CSA share, please call for details. We also offer work shares for those making a 4 hr/wk commitment to helping on the farm. The wetlands that run the north-south length of our farm are now protected with fencing, thanks to a contract with the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

RE-ADMISSION to Sunfield Waldorf School for 2013-14 is underway. All faculty members have recommitted for next school year. We will have four combined classes in grades 1-8 and two Kindergarten classrooms. Our current class of 8th grade students will graduate in June. Helen Curry has been the teacher for this class since they were first graders. She will teach a new 1st/2nd class next year, a group that she will stay with until they too graduate from Sunfield. 

Win this beautiful quilt made by the Sunfield Community.

“A Friend in Need” is a way to help us to continue our scholarship opportunities for low income students. Currently 33% of our 63 students in grades 1-8 are receiving scholarship assistance, without which they cannot attend Sunfield. Sunfield is available to every family that wishes this education for their children. If you can help, we need your financial support to continue to sustain our mission of educating children regardless of financial situation.

THANKS to all who contributed to our Annual Giving campaign. We had 100% participation from our families and staff and exceeded the $21,500 match provided by generous donors. We are within $4,500 of reaching our $50,000 goal.

With warm wishes for a warm spring,

Jake Meyer Organizational Director